【加雇主offer】Arranged employment in Canada预先工作安排
【Arranged employment】Arranged employment in Canada预先工作安排
1. 联邦67分标准下,如果有加拿大雇主的至少一年的job offer,可获得最高10分
valid job offer 必须满足:A. 连续的,有薪资的,全职的(每周至少30小时),非季节性的,至少1年 B.属于NOC 0 AB类职业查询职业类别网址:
A. (LMIA+job offer+封闭工签+在境内工作)目前持工签已在加拿大境内工作,且满足
a. 工签必须在申请PR以及PR签证签发时都有效
b. 工签是基于有效的LMIA
c. 必须是为工签上的雇主工作
d. 雇主为您签发的有效job offer
B. (豁免LMIA+job offer+1年工作经验)因以下因素之一豁免LMIA并目前已在加拿大工作
a. international agreement (such as, the North American Free Trade Agreement) or
b. significant benefit to Canadian interests or
c. a federal-provincial agreement
豁免LMIA code查询(常见的豁免:访问学者C22,博士后C44)
a. 工签必须在申请PR以及PR签证签发时都有效
b. 雇主为您签发的有效job offer
c. 必须是为工签上的雇主工作
e.Job offer有效期截止时间至少在获得PR visa后一年
C. (LMIA+job offer+未在加拿大境内工作)目前未在加拿大境内工作:
a. 您目前没在加拿大工作或计划拿到PR后再去加拿大工作
b. 雇主有效的LMIA
c. 雇主基于LMIA给您签发有效地job offer
D. (工签+豁免LMIA+其他雇主LMIA+job offer) 目前持工签已在加拿大境内工作:
b.目前在加拿大工作,且该工作豁免LMIA,但是不是由于 international, federal-provincial agreement or because of significant benefit to Canadian interests.
c. 您目前正在工作雇主以外的雇主,雇主有LMIA且给您签发有效的job offer
2. EE被ITA后,依工作状态,需要提供的材料可能有:
LMIA(如果不豁免),valid job offer, work permit, work visa, NOA(每年三四月拿到一年度的报告), T4(每年年初发上一年度,一般2月底拿到),工资单或工资流水,推荐信
NOA 下载网址:
T4 (雇主)下载网址:
3. LMIA说明:
关于Arranged employment in Canada
Arranged employment in Canada (maximum 10 points)
You can get points if you have a job offer of at least 1 year from a Canadian employer. You must get the job offer before you apply to come to Canada as a Federal Skilled Worker.
A valid job offer has to be:
for continuous, paid, full-time work (minimum of 30 hours/week) that is:
not seasonal
for at least 1 year
in an occupation listed as Skill Type 0 or Skill Level A or B of the NOC.
We must be convinced that:
you’re able to do the job offered to you
you’ll be able to become licensed or certified when in Canada (if the occupation is regulated in Canada)
To get 10 points for a valid job offer, 1 of these situations must also apply.
Situation 1
You currently work in Canada on a work permit and you meet all of the following conditions:
Your work permit is valid both when you apply and when the permanent resident visa is issued (or you’re allowed to work in Canada without a work permit when your visa is issued).
We issued your work permit based on a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) from Employment and Social Development Canada in an occupation listed under skill type 0 or skill level A or B of the NOC.
You’re working for an employer named on your work permit.
That employer has made a valid job offer based on you being accepted as a skilled worker.
Situation 2
You currently work in Canada in a job that is exempt from the LMIA requirement because of 1 of the following:
an international agreement (such as, the North American Free Trade Agreement) or
significant benefit to Canadian interests or
a federal-provincial agreement
You must also meet all of the following conditions:
Your work permit is valid both when you apply and when the permanent resident visa is issued (or you’re allowed to work in Canada without a permit when your permanent resident visa is issued).
Your current employer has made a valid job offer based on you being accepted as a skilled worker.
You are currently working for the employer specified on your work permit.
You have been working for that employer for at least 1 year, continuous full-time or part-time equivalent.
Situation 3
You must meet all of the following conditions:
You currently don’t have a work permit, or don’t plan to work in Canada before you get a permanent resident visa.
An employer has a LMIA.
That employer has made you a valid job offer based on that LMIA and on you being accepted as a skilled worker.
Situation 4
You must meet all of the following conditions:
You have a valid work permit or are allowed to work in Canada without a work permit.
You’re currently working in Canada in a job that is exempt from a LMIA, but it is not under an international, federal-provincial agreement or because of significant benefit to Canadian interests.
An employer other than the one you are currently working for:
has a LMIA
has made you a valid job offer based on that LMIA and on you being accepted as a skilled worker.
LMIAs and valid job offers
You can’t get a LMIA (your employer must do this for you).
Employment and Social Development Canada will only confirm valid job offers for occupations listed in skill type 0, or skill level A or B, of the NOC.
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