Programme de l’expérience québécoise(PEQ – Québec experience program)
魁省PEQ技术移民项目,主要针对魁省外国留学毕业生以及临时就业工作者(Québec graduate or a temporary foreign worker)--新新源移民:
一、Temporary Foreign Workers基本政策--新新源移民
(2)法语水平:主申需要听和说达到Level 7的水平(对应CLB)--新新源移民;配偶需要听和说达到Level 4的水平,其中配偶有2个情况下可以法语豁免,如下;
you have knowledgeof oral French equivalent to Level 7。Knowledgeof spoken French includes both oral comprehension and oral expression.Your defacto spouse or spouse who is accompanying you must have knowledge of oralFrench equivalent to Level 4,If not, your application will be refused.
If you submit your application under thetemporary foreign worker stream, your de facto spouse or spouse will not haveto demonstrate knowledge of French if you had a work permit that is valid onJuly 21, 2020, and you were living in Québec on this date.
If you submit your application under the Québecgraduate stream, your de facto spouse or spouse will not have to demonstrateknowledge of French if you obtained your admissible diploma by December 31,2020.
(3)申请时合法居住在魁省,比如Working Holiday、Young Professionals、International Co-opInternship;
(5)关于PEQ临时工作者的工作经验:职业是NOC 0 A B,全职付薪(每周最小30小时,part-time工作不认可!全职不连续的可以认可工作经验),提交PEQ前的36个月(就是近3年)已经至少工作了24个月(就是2年)。申请时必须具有工作--新新源移民。
note:To be eligible, you must also have a job that meets these criteria at the time you apply and for at least 24 of the 36 months before you submit your application.。
(6)有可能需要面试(Selection interview)
二、Québec graduates基本政策--新新源移民
(2)法语水平:主申需要听和说达到Level 7的水平(对应CLB)--新新源移民;配偶需要听和说达到Level 4的水平,其中配偶有2个情况下可以法语豁免,如下;
you have knowledgeof oral French equivalent to Level 7。Knowledgeof spoken French includes both oral comprehension and oral expression.Your defacto spouse or spouse who is accompanying you must have knowledge of oralFrench equivalent to Level 4,If not, your application will be refused.
If you submit your application under thetemporary foreign worker stream, your de facto spouse or spouse will not haveto demonstrate knowledge of French if you had a work permit that is valid onJuly 21, 2020, and you were living in Québec on this date.
If you submit your application under the Québecgraduate stream, your de facto spouse or spouse will not have to demonstrateknowledge of French if you obtained your admissible diploma by December 31,2020.
(3)申请时合法居住在魁省,比如Working Holiday、Young Professionals、International Co-opInternship;
(5)关于PEQ外国留学毕业生的学习项目(PEQ Study Program):必须是毕业后提交申请的近36个月获得的魁省全日制(full time)学历(也就是近3年内毕业的--新新源移民),学习期间必须一半的时间在魁省境内。需要申请时有全职工作(hold a full time job when you submit your application )。
详细的PEQ study program如下说明:
note:如果是DVS(1800 hours)alone or with an AVS,需要毕业后至少18个月的工作经验(NOC 0 A B C),需要申请时有全职工作(hold a full time job),其中NOC 0 A B的目前的工作不需要和PEQ study program相关, NOC C的话就需要相关。
note:For all other PEQ-eligiblediplomas, you must have gained paid workexperience after completing your study program:其他的PEQ学历,需要毕业后至少12个月的工作经验(NOC 0 A B),需要申请时有全职工作(hold a full time job)(NOC 0 A B), 不需要和PEQ study program相关。
(6)有可能需要面试(Selection interview)
附录一、详细的PEQ study program--新新源移民:
Conditions of the graduate stream
To be selected for the Québec Graduate stream of theProgramme de l’expérience québécoise (PEQ – Québec experience program), youmust:
· Have obtained an eligiblediploma
· Have obtained eligible workexperience in Québec following your study program
· Have stayed in Québec for atleast half the duration of your study program
Eligible diplomas
Diplomas eligible for the Programme de l’expériencequébécoise (PEQ – Québec experience program) are:--新新源移民
· Bachelor’s degree (universityundergraduate)
· Master’s degree (including an MBA)
· Ph.D.
· Diploma of college studies,technical training (DCS)
· Diploma of vocational studies(DVS) attesting to1,800 hours or more of study
· Diploma of vocational studies(DVS) followed by an Attestation of vocational specialization (AVS) of 1,800 hours or more of continuing education leading to agiven trade
No other type of diploma is eligible for the PEQ.
You must have obtained your diploma:
· In the 36 months preceding the submission of your application
· In a full-time study program
· In an education institution inQuébec
Work experience you acquired during a mandatory internshipfor your study program may be recognized. To do so, you must have received awork permit issued by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.
· For a full-time internship,your experience may be recognized for a maximum of three months.
· For a part-time internship, therecognized period corresponds to its full-time equivalent.
You are not eligible for the PEQ if:
· You have a bursary with areturn to your country clause, unless you have already fulfilled this condition
· You have started a new studyprogram in Québec
· You have stayed in Québec forless than half the duration of your study program.
Final transcript:
Document from a professional order:
魁省professional order执照机构的法语语言考试证明;
Attestationsof French test results or diplomas:
法语考试(2年有效):TEF、TEF canada、TEFAQ、TCF、TCF-Québec、DELF、DALF。DELF、DALF需要提供原始学历证书,并且通过分数:DELF B2: 16/25 or more for the two oral exams;DALF C1: 8/25 or more for the two oral exams;DALF C2: 16/50 or more for the oral exam
These are:--新新源移民
· Testd’évaluation du français adapté pour le Québec (TEFAQ), Chambre decommerce et d’industrie de Paris Île-de-France (CCIP-IDF);
· Testde connaissance du français pour le Québec (TCF-Québec), FranceÉducation international;
· Testd’évaluation du français (TEF), CCIP-IDF;
· Test d’évaluation dufrançais pour le Canada (TEF Canada), CCIP-IDF;
· Testde connaissance du français (TCF), France Éducation international;
· Diplômed’études en langue française (DELF), France Éducation international;
· Diplômeapprofondi de langue française (DALF), France Éducationinternational.
If you submit attestation results for the DELF and DALF,you may have to provide the original diploma or a certified copy issued byFrance Éducation international. The minimum passing grades to satisfy the PEQrequirement for these two tests are:
· DELF B2: 16/25 or more for thetwo oral exams
· DALF C1: 8/25 or more for thetwo oral exams
· DALF C2: 16/50 or more for theoral exam
Attestation that you have successfullycompleted a French course
Final transcript
Document from a professional order
Attestations of French test results ordiplomas
· Testd’évaluation du français adapté pour le Québec (TEFAQ), Chambre decommerce et d’industrie de Paris Île-de-France (CCIP-IDF)
Minimum pass mark: 260/699 or over for the two oral exams
· Testde connaissance du français pour le Québec (TCF-Québec), FranceÉducation international
Minimum pass mark:--新新源移民
§ Oral comprehension: 260/699 or over
§ Oral expression: 3/20 or over
· Testd’évaluation du français (TEF), CCIP-IDF
Minimum pass mark: 260/699 or over for the two oral exams
· Test d’évaluation dufrançais pour le Canada (TEF Canada), CCIP-IDF
Minimum pass mark:
§ Oral comprehension: 145/360 or over
§ Oral expression: 181/450 or over
· Testde connaissance du français (TCF), France Éducation international
Minimum pass mark:
§ Oral comprehension: 260/699 or over
§ Oral expression: 3/20 or over
· Diplômed’études en langue française (DELF), France Éducation international
Minimum pass mark:
§ DELF A2: 16/25 or over for the two oral exams
§ DELF B1: 12.5/25 or over for the two oral exams
§ DELF B2: 12.5/25 or over for the two oral exams
· Diplômeapprofondi de langue française (DALF), France Éducation international
Minimum pass mark:
§ DALF C1: 12.5/25 or over for the two oral exams
§ DALF C2: 25/50 or over for the oral exam
Attestation that you have successfullycompleted a French course
he following are the fees to be paid for the review of an application for permanent selection as of January 1, 2021. These fees are adjusted every January 1.
Principal applicant: $822
Spouse, de facto spouse: $176
Each dependent child: $176
Processing time:--新新源移民
If your application is complete, it will be processed within six months.
四、政策过渡:Transitional measures in the wake of regulatory changes in 2020
另外,All applications submitted prior to the effective date of the new regulations will be processed under the selection conditions in effect before July 22, 2020.
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