【!!】芬兰Finland无刑事犯罪证明Extract from the Criminal Records (Rikosrekisteriote)--Legalisation of documents for use abroad
Legalisation of documents for use abroad
When a document issued in Finland must be presented for foreign authorities abroad, you can ask the Ministry for Foreign Affairs to legalise the document. The purpose of legalisation is to authenticate the signature and certify the position of the authority that has issued the document. This is done in English.
Documents that are not legalised at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Can the Ministry for Foreign Affairs decide which documents must be legalised?
Please note that each document to be legalised must have the original signature of a public official and the signatory's name in block letters. For example, if you download and print documents from the e-services of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, the documents are not valid for legalisation. Furthermore, we cannot legalise certified electronic diplomas issued by universities.
Having legalised your document at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, you must submit it for confirmation at the diplomatic mission of the country in Helsinki in which you will use the documents.
The street address and office hours are given on theContact information page.
Documents legalised at the Foreign Ministry
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs legalises
documents issued by the Finnish authorities
the position and signature of a Notary Public
extracts from registers and, for example, documents granted by the police
certificates of non-impediment and marriage certificates
university diplomas
documents granted and signed by a chamber of commerce
translations made by authorised translators. A list of authorised translators is available on the website of the Finnish National Agency for Education(Link to another website.).
Documents that are not legalised at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs does not legalise documents that will be presented to the authorities of countries that have ratified the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents of 5 October 1961 (The Hague Apostille Convention). In this case, a so-called Apostille is needed, granted by a Notary Public at the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. Read more on the website of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.(Link to another website.) (Opens New Window)
Documents with an Apostille stamp are valid for legal purposes in the countries that have signed The Hague Apostille Convention and do not need to be presented for legalisation at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs does not legalise foreign documents.
How to get a police certificate – Finland
芬兰Police Clearance Certificate: