【被动项目】2024年NB省Express Entry项目
【被动项目】2024年NB省Express Entry项目
NB省Express Entry项目(New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program: Express Entry Stream),是一个随机被动邀请项目。需要满足
(1)满足联邦Express Entry 入池条件(技术移民就是EE 67分评分标准);
(3)NB省的Connections(三个connections 满足其一即可)
1.NB Employment Connection(NB雇主)
2.NB Student Connection(NB留学)
3.NB Occupations in Demand Connection(NB根据劳动力市场紧缺情况随机邀请)
2023年,关于NB Occupations in Demand Connection,NB省目前正在积极招募满足NB省劳动力市场需求的申请人。被挑选的申请人会被签发LOI邀请信。
Connections to the province such as family members, previous study or work can alsocontribute to a strong profile and possible selection. Please note that attending an information session is not a connection and will not result in receiving a LOI.
关于该项目申请人的工作经验,申请人的工作经验计算必须基于申请NB移民的相同的职业代码。工作经验必须是TEER 0 1 2 3类别。TEER 4 5 不符合。
关于NB省的定居意愿(Intent to reside in NB),如下情况有可能被撤销,即便已经签发了提名信。If you accept an offer of employment from a company that does not have a business location in New Brunswick or otherwise leave the province, your application will be refused, and your nomination certificate revoked.
关于Express Entry项目的挑选启动时间,2023年,NB省移民 办公室将每个月(each month)从EOI候选池中挑选符合条件的申请人。每轮的挑选标准自2022年3月(March,2023)开始在官网公布。
(1)NB Employment Connection(NB雇主)----86人
(2)NB Student Connection(NB留学)-----------51人
(3)NB Occupations in Demand Connection-----7人
(1)NB Employment Connection(NB雇主)----70人
(2)NB Student Connection(NB留学)-----------42人
(3)NB Occupations in Demand Connection-----74人
(1)NB Employment Connection(NB雇主)----45人
(2)NB Student Connection(NB留学)-----------27人
(3)NB Occupations in Demand Connection-----14人
(1)NB Employment Connection(NB雇主)----21人
(2)NB Student Connection(NB留学)-----------10人
(3)NB Occupations in Demand Connection-----62人
(1)NB Employment Connection(NB雇主)----28人
(2)NB Student Connection(NB留学)-----------64人
(3)NB Occupations in Demand Connection-----29人
关于NB的EOI入池,需要选择NB connection,具体如下:
NB Connection
If you are planning to live in New Brunswick to work or to operate a business, the Government of New Brunswick requires that you have at least one eligible connection. Having a Connection to New Brunswick will allow you to meet the New Brunswick Connection required prior to submitting your EOI.
(1)Have you attended an immigration information session hosted by the Province of New Brunswick within the last 24 months?
(2)Are you currently enrolled in, or have you graduated from a New Brunswick post-secondary institution?
(3)Are you currently working in New Brunswick or do you have an arranged offer of full time employment from a New Brunswick company that has been operating in New Brunswick for at least 12 consecutive months?
(4)Have you been selected by New Brunswick from the Federal Express Entry Pool?
关于哪些职业比较紧缺难以把握,NB法语项目和New Brunswick Skilled Worker Stream(非Express Entry项目)中有如下表述:
New Brunswick Skilled Worker Stream
Effective immediately, ONB Immigration is implementing specific measures to manage the New Brunswick Skilled Worker stream inventory through to the end of 2022. Application processing priority is being given to the following categories of applications in our inventory:
-Francophone applicants
-NB graduates
-NOC 2147, 2172, 2173, 2174, 2175, 2281, 2282, 2283
-NOC 3012, 3233, 3413, 4412
New Brunswick Strategic Initiative Stream
To support its goals, INB has put in place measures such as the Strategic Initiative stream dedicated exclusively to French-speaking candidates. INB also continues to prioritize French-speaking applicants across its program streams, including the NB Skilled Worker and NB Express Entry streams.
New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program: Express Entry Stream
Effective May 20, 2022, Opportunities New Brunswick has temporarily paused the New Brunswick Express Entry Stream. The move comes following a surge in applications for the Stream.
There will be no further letters of Interest (LOI) or Invitations to Apply (ITA) sent while the Stream is paused. This includes applications with eligible connections.
New Brunswick Express Entry applications submitted May 20, 2022, or later, will not be finalized until further notice.
Please monitor our website for updates. Alternate permanent residency options may be available through the New Brunswick Skilled Worker Stream(雇主) and Atlantic Immigration Program.
2019年7月26日NB省Express Entry类无雇主项目将实行不定期定向邀请
2019年7月26日开始,NB省移民局将不定期(on occasion)根据NB省劳动力市场需求,从ExpressEntry候选池(技术类申请人需要满足67分评分标准)中挑选并邀请部分申请人申请NB省移民(走NB省Express Entry类无雇主项目移民流程)。该项目仿效NS省LMP定向邀请项目。提请特别注意。
Dear xxx
The Government of New Brunswick is interested to considering you for nomination under its Provincial Nominee Program through Express Entry.
If you want New Brunswick to consider you for nomination under its PNP you must contact New Brunswick directly after receiving this letter.
加拿大NOC 0 A B职业列表:
目前NB省LMD被动邀请项目已经陆续从联邦的Express Entry池子里挑选了一批申请人,并发送了NOI邀请信,截止到2019月12月。有限获知的被挑选的几个例子情况如下:
NOC | 职业中文 | CRS分数 |
2175 | 网页设计师和开发人员 | 445 |
2282 | 用户技术支持人员 | 439 |
2283 | 信息系统测试技术人员(新新源移民) | 358 |
4152 | 社会工作者 | 396/375 |
4156 | 就业顾问 | 447 |
6311 | 食物服务主管 | 350 |
6315 | 清洁监督员 | 388 |
6332 | 面包师 | 435 |
7312 | 重型机械设备 | 390 |
Create an Expression of Interest (EOI),You must create a candidate profile within the INB system and submit an EOI. You can check the most up-to-date information regarding the status of your application at any time by logging in to view My Dashboard.Upon successful completion of the online registration, your application will be placed in the INB Express Entry pool. Candidates will be selected from the pool, and invited to apply based on immigration allocations,application volumes and New Brunswick labour market needs.
各国无犯罪证明Police Certificate:
(NOTE: 此号为公众号,仅用于每1-3天对移民政策动态进行更新发布,移民咨询请加链接咨询微信号)